Friday, April 13, 2007

Big Opening - Marriage

April 13, 2007

Today I launch Culturize. My hope is to create a portal for rich discussion on the world around us. Basically, what I think about people and stuff and what you all think about people and stuff.

I hope it will be fun!

Today's topic will be Marriage, in honor of my mom and dad's 32nd anniversary. What does it take for a marriage to last and not be completely miserable? Obviously, there are many factors that vary between couples, but what are the fundamental requirements? Here's my guess (I am not married):

1. Luck
2. Optimism
3. Committment
3. Respect
4. Responsibility
5. Affection

What do you think?


Lynn Fisher said...

I am married ... granted, only for 10 years ... but, I think that I'm getting the "hang" of it. In my mind, the key to a long, successful marriage is the extent to which each person is comfortable with themselves on their own. So, ironically, part of the secret to happily staying together is to carve out time apart! Spending time apart allows for re-discovery and affirmation of yourself ... and better appreciation of the value your partner brings to your life.

dreeves said...

Yup, autonomy is key in my opinion. My spouse and I take this principle to what some would consider extremes. For example, we don't share money. There are myriad unexpected advantages in that.